Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Moving In His Majesty and Power

SO I just finished reading this book called, "Moving in His Majesty & Power" by Neal A. Maxwell and it was wonderful. It was a very, very quick read. It's a really small book but the insight and knowledge that come from that man are anything but small. I wanted to share a few quotes from one of his chapters.

"We must not quite trying. If we do, then the natural man has won another battle, and we are, in effect acknowledging that the doctrine of hope does not amount to much... Refraining from giving up on others is, therfore, a special form of giving."

I hope during this season of giving and year around that we can give the gift of hope to our friends, family and to ourselves by not giving up on each other during times of struggle.

"Do we, therefore, really seek to assess the various forms of bondage that we have allowed to afflict us? These chains may not by visible, but they are there and are experienced, such as chronic grumpiness and untamed egos, etc. Drugs and pornography now enslave millions more than were physically enslaved in the American South before and during the Civil War. It is very difficult to leave the bondage of these "plantations."

I've never thought that we could be in bondage to a character trait like grumpiness but it's so true. Now that I think about it it's totally obvious. I also thought it interesting to process the fact that more people are enslaved to drugs and pornography now than were people in the Civil War!. This is truly a spiritual war we are fighting in the last days. So many people are so horrified by the enslavement of blacks (and rightfully so) but how many of us are just as horrified by the bonds satan has placed on all of mankind. How do we prevent and protect ourselves from being enslaved? The television has become increasingly worse. Are we offended or do we change the channel when a commercial, show or movie comes on that has sexual content or may cause us to not have pure thoughts? Slavery begins by being casual. I hope that we all can fight the War against Satan for our freedom just as we fought for it physically during the Civil War. And just as we won the Civil War we will win this spiritual battle as well.
This was an excellent book! Every chapter was on a different subject and like I said it was a quick read. You could get through it in 2 hours if you were to sit down and read straight through.

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