Thursday, September 30, 2010

No more M.I.A.

Baby Shower Pics

So, I haven't blogged pretty much all summer. My friend Shannon Fuller inspired me to make a quick synopsis of my summer events and then start over with being a better blogger. Now would probably be a good time to start anyway since Kajsa is coming in two weeks. Then it will be back to blogging about children again I am sure. I never feel like my life is interesting enough for ya'll to read about. Here's the overview:
  • Kyle and I started managing some BYU women's housing in June (this made us extremely busy for the months of July and August)
  • I turned 27
  • Trey and I went to 7 peaks all summer
  • Kyle went to school this summer and took Chemistry
  • We went home to CA to visit for a week and saw Kyle's family and some of my friends, and went to 3 weddings. We had a great time but didn't get very many pictures. :(

  • Kyle got a job working at BYU for their Multimedia department. He works from 6am to 10am every day. He is not a morning guy but he's done great! and enjoys his job.

  • I had two wonderful baby showers for Kajsa and we are so grateful to everyone who came and who thought of us. We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends in our lives. We can't wait for all of you to meet her.

    Kyle: Now its back to the nitty gritty of school life. Kyle is in school full-time taking Biology, Physics, Physiology, and a religion class as well as working full-time. He is also playing intramural soccer and football and helps me with all of the yard work and some of the maintenance at the apartments on Saturdays. He does a great job of balancing all of that and family time with us. He works so hard and we love him and are so grateful for him and who he is.

    Crystal: I am at home with Trey keeping up with our home, my management job, and my calling. I am due to have this little girl in 8 days. I am really hoping to be induced on the 7th of October if she wants to come but if she's not ready than I can wait for a healthy baby whenever. I think that Trey is more excited than any of us. I took him to the doctors this week to get his flu shot. He asked me where we were and I replied "the doctors office" he responded very enthusiastically, "To take baby Kajsa out!" He is so sweet and anxiously awaiting her arrival.
    My barbershop quartet just sang at a rest home and that was a lot of fun to be able to perform again. My newest hobby is making baby bows for Kajsa. They are so expensive to buy so I have tried to make a few on my own.

    Trey: He is growing up so fast! He grew a few inches in August and really is starting to look like a boy and not a toddler. Trey is quite the talker and makes me laugh everyday with the new things he says. He is very observant and catches on to things quite quickly. He learned to sing his ABC's this summer, all of his colors, and can count to 13 and then from there it's eleventeen, seventeen etc. He is very coordinated. We took him miniature golfing the other night and he got a two on the first hole all by himself. (I got a 3) Kyle was very proud!! Trey loves music! He will sing, dance and pound away at the piano or his ukulele. Trey also loves to play with friends of any age. He is definitely our social butterfly. He has the sweetest spirit and loves to learn about the gospel. It makes teaching him so much fun and so rewarding. Children are truly a blessing from God!

    My Birthday, that is the only candle they could find :)

    In CA we went to a museum behind the OC airport with Grandma and Grandpa Sherman

    They also took Trey to the airport to see the airplanes land and take off. He liked all of the airplanes except for the big ones because they were too loud. :)


Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

So excited to get the summary of your summer! How fun and Trey is so big and so blonde. Kyle sounds like he is crazy busy and so do you. That is one tough semester, but I know he will have someone to help him with his homework ;)! You are welcome. We wish we could be there. We are looking forward to more pictures and more blog posts to come. We love you guys!!!

Mattias Welander said...

Kul läsning!

w and w said...

Crystal.... Loved the text I got today with that beautiful baby! What a lucky girl this one is to get you two and Trey! Hope your recovery goes well. EAT UP having two, it's the BEST EVER!