Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My New Obsession

So... I have this new obsession with these blenders. I have seen them both at booths in Costco and Sam's Club. Whenever I go there, I stand at the counter with my kids for like 45 minutes trying all of the samples. They are soooo good. :) Kyle finds it quite humorous. I have read reveiws comparing the two. They have become a part of my daily conversations and the butt of my jokes. I really really really want one but they are like $400 dollars. I know... Kyle thinks I'm crazy too, but think of all of the things I can make with it. I can make baby food and puree whatever we are eating, smoothies, ice cream, soups. The ice cream is amazing and is made with no sugar or dairy. Perfect for my lactose intolerant little boy. They even grind wheat for making bread!!! A-mazing. But for now, I will just have to wish.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sunday was Fast and Testimony meeting. Towards the end of the meeting Trey said "Mommy, I want to go up there". I explained to him that people went up there to bear their testimonies about Jesus. He said he wanted to do that. I said ok. We walked up there and this is how it went.

Crystal: "I don't know if this has ever been done in this ward before but Trey would like to bear his testimony" (it is rare to have talking age children in the ward)

Trey: Got nervous and turned away, which is what I thought would happen so I bore my testimony instead. In the middle of my testimony he said, "Mommy I want to do it". So when I finished, this is what Trey said:

"I like Jesus. I like Nephi. I like Temples. Amen."

As we were walking down from the stand he said loudly, "Mommy I forgot to say Name of Jesus Christ Amen". I told him he could do it next time. We sat down in our seats while another member bore his testimony. When he was done Trey said, "Mommy I want to go again, It's my turn".

Trey has such a sweet little spirit and I hope that he will keep that desire to bear his testimony to all of those around him. It was a first, I thought was worth documenting :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Best Friends

Seven Peaks Summer 2010

Last week at church I took Trey to the bathroom. We washed his hands and he was smiling really big the whole time. As we were walking out of the bathroom, this was our conversation:

Trey: Mommy, You're pretty. I like you.
Me: I am? Thanks, Trey. I like you too.
Trey: Uh Huh, Cuz You're my best friend.
It was so sweet to hear him say that I was his best friend. We do spend many, many hours together :)